Statement from the Zeta Tau Chapter of the Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity regarding Rampant Antisemitism at UC Irvine

The Zeta Tau chapter of Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity at UC Irvine condemns the alarming rise in antisemitism on campus, marked by hateful comments and threatening actions following the October 7th attack.

We, the brothers of the Zeta Tau chapter of the Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, are concerned with the rise of vile antisemitism immediately following the October 7th attack. We have faced hateful comments both in person and online, often replicating common antisemitic stereotypes, such as Jews controlling the media. As a Jewish organization, Israel is a core part of our Jewish identities; our families reside there, as well as our spirits.

It pains us to see that antisemitism has been rapidly escalating in our communities, shown particularly in the demands of the illegal encampment. We have been constantly demeaned by protestors for merely being Jewish, denied access to public parts of the campus, and outright intimidated. Degrading posters and stickers have been scattered across the campus, and we hear disturbing chants and slogans that call for our death daily.

Free speech is a fundamental right of a free society, but nobody has a right to encamp on school property and threaten Jews. Two incidents stood out the most, the first being a poster with the phrase “UC Intifada.” The only two intifadas that occurred contained indiscriminate murder, random stabbings, and suicide bombings of civilians, all by terrorists who entered Israel. Second, protestors recited a chant in Arabic, which when translated to English is: “From the water to water, Palestine is Arab.” This calls for the ethnic cleansing of Jewish individuals in Israel.